
Jan 3, 2011

One Word 2011

Ever since I first read Alece's post about not having a resolution but instead focusing on just one word I've been thinking, and thinking, and thinking. If there is one thing I am great at, it is thinking about one thing and over analyzing it to pieces. So, after I thought about it to death, I prayed. Almost instantly I received TRUST. I thought, ", really Lord?" You see, I've been a believer for 13 years and I was convinced if anything I had trust down, I did trust the Lord.
Or so I thought. 
So, needless to say I wasn't satisfied with that answer and I kept trying to receive another word from the Lord. I even chose one myself. Then as I sat down this weekend to write this post, mind you it was going to be the word I chose, it hit me. 
I absolutely need to work on trust, trusting in my God. I didn't even trust Him to give me a word, just one simple word. 
I doubted, I second guessed, I thought my choice was better.
How many times had I done this very thing in my walk with Him? How many times had I heard from Him and turned the other way, thinking my way was better? 
Countless, my journals reflect it. 
So here I am, starting anew.
It's up to me, now that I know, to make the change. 
I will choose to TRUST.

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